People are finally understanding how to click the correct vote button...
Now let's get to the real topic: I got 2 new songs on NewGrounds! Illegal Software is the first song to include my screwed up, immature, ugly, dumb voice. But the song itself proves to be worthy. Second is my 8-bit Pjanoo remix. It's a loop, so you can easily use it in one of your flashes. Thanks for reading.
EDIT: Nevermind Pjanoo got zero-bombed again. You know NewGrounds seriously is full of spammers, zero-bombers and people that simply suck ass. I can't stand you guys and you're frustrating me as hell.
You know, the score was 4.62 on a scale of 5 VOTES, and of course someone who has been beaten up by his parents when he was young had to click 0. Fine, go ahead, but now you know how sad you are. Racists.
~DJ Galax
BTW: I love this dragon down here.